Press Release provided by Stats SA.
The South African working-age population increased by 153 000 or 0,4% in the third quarter of 2018 compared to the second quarter of 2018. The number of employed persons increased by 92 000 to 16,4 million and the number of unemployed persons rose by 127 000 to 6,2 million in Q3: 2018. The absorption rate remained unchanged at 43,1% and the unemployment rate increased by 0,3 of a percentage point to 27,5% in the same period.
In Q3: 2018, the informal sector recorded employment gains of 188 000, while the Formal sector, Private households and Agriculture recorded declines in employment. The number of discouraged work-seekers declined by 131 000 while the number of other not economically active persons increased by 65 000, resulting in a decrease of 66 000 (down by 0,4%) in the number of people not in the labour force between the second and third quarters of 2018.
Compared to a year ago, employment increased by 1,2% (188 000), unemployment decreased by 1 000 and the number of persons who were not economically active increased by 2,8% (424 000) – 297 000 being discouraged work-seekers.