South Africans may now travel internationally under strict regulations detailed by the Department of Home Affairs.

South Africans who wish to leave the country are permitted to depart only for the following reasons:

  1. Work
  2. Study
  3. Family reunion
  4. Take up permanent residency
  5. Receive medical attention

The following brief provides more details:

International Travel Allowed for South Africans

Issued by Marisa Jacobs, Director of Xpatweb

The Department of Home Affairs confirmed on 23 May 2020 that international travel will be allowed for South Africans, who fall within limited categories.



The main categories which will be allowed are work, study, family reunion, to take up permanent residency and for medical reasons. These are indeed the most important categories and make provision for most cases where international travel is an important consideration.


The requirements include a copy of a valid South African passport, a letter from the country you will be travelling to confirming your admissibility, permission for transiting countries, proof of means of travel and the intended date of departure.

Home Affairs Approval

The international travel is subject to Department of Home Affairs approval, which is needed before you can proceed with your travel arrangements. At this stage the complexity of this process is unclear, albeit that one would expect that the normal strict Home Affairs protocols will be followed.

Group Arrangements


The new dispensation makes provision for a single Department of Home Affairs application for a group and the supporting information must then be send for each member of the group.

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