Content provided by APO Group. CNBC Africa provides content from APO Group as a service to its readers and does not edit the articles it publishes. CNBC Africa is not responsible for the content provided by APO Group.
New Cases: 6
Cumulative Confirmed Cases: 34,390
Active Cases: 334
Total Recovered: 32,667 (7 New)
Currently Admitted in Treatment Units: 10 (2 New)
New Discharges from Treatment Units: 2
Total Tests Conducted: 248,986 (272 New)
Total Deaths: 1,157 (1 New)
Total Vaccinated to Date: First Dose – 358,989 (0 New). Second Dose 19 (0 New)
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Health and Population, Republic of Malawi.
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