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Belgium has decided to provide emergency assistance to Namibia, following a request transmitted by this country through the European Mechanism for Civil Protection, in the context of the fight against COVID-19. In recent weeks, Namibia has been facing a serious deterioration of its health situation and an increase in hospitalizations. This situation is leading to an important need for protective equipment.
The material sent comes from the strategic stock of the FPS Public Health and consists of 125 600 KN95 masks.
This aid will arrive in Windhoeck on Monday 12 July.
Belgium wishes to express its solidarity with the Namibian authorities and the population, currently facing a difficult phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation is coordinating this B-FAST mission, a mechanism involving the Prime Minister's Office, as well as the FPS Public Health, Defence, the FPS Interior and the FPS Strategy and Support for logistical and administrative support. For more information on the B-FAST mechanism:
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Kingdom of Belgium – Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.