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For many Nigerians in the lower and middle classes, owning a home remains a life-long dream due to the enormous cash needed to either buy or build a house. However, providing succour and turning this dream into reality seems to be on the way as Tent Group Limited is giving even much more than desired to Nigerians and those in Diaspora can ever imagine.
With a vision geared towards easing housing challenges, Tent Group provides classy houses that convincingly match the taste of high net worth individuals, the middle and low-income class Nigerians.
“Search no more. Tent Group Limited is here to give you even much more than you can ever imagine,'' said the chairman and chief executive officer of Tent Group, Charles Nwakamma Chukwuemeka.
He said the company has come in full force with passion and excellence to do something different by setting higher standards and delivering smart homes.
On what the firm is bringing to the market, Chukwuemeka said the genre of smart homes it offers includes energy-efficient and gas-efficient apartments.
The CEO said the energy-efficient and gas-efficient are thermal homes built to avert heat.
He said, “The experience in parking into a smart home is like having a home with virtually everything inside. They are almost like walking in with your clothes, and every other thing is available for you.
“We are flexible, considering the fact that prospective clients in the real estate market come with a variety of needs, tastes, and expectations. The company has analysed these trends and also proffered solutions to satisfy our valued clients.
“To satisfy clients’ desires and specifications, Tent Group is focused on offering all building types that match prospects' unique tastes and expectations, from four-bedroom semi-detached duplexes to four-bedroom terraces, five-bedroom detached duplexes, and six-bedroom detached duplexes as well as one, two and three-bedroom flats.”
He said the company also has semi-detached duplexes, which according to him, is part of the unique offers Tent Group is bringing to the market.
He noted that the company also offers mortgage protection for off-takers.
“This protection remains unprecedented in the real estate industry and is not accessible by other real estate companies. It is one of its kind feature in the market, to protect our customers.
“We brought this in to protect our clients and off-takers from shocks and uncertainties which may arise from job losses, accidents, sicknesses that may render them incapable of paying for the building.
“In such cases, the insurance companies will come in and complete the payment of the building for him under this offer. That is one of the things we are providing free of charge. We pay the premium on behalf of the off-takers,” Chukwuemeka said.
For Nigerians in Diaspora, as well as Nigeria who wish to key into the exquisite offers, he said the firm has a platform where prospective homeowners will register, give building type and specification while the firm conceptualises the building to meet the need of the homeowner.
“We developed a robust thought-out process from conceptualization to initiating projects to meet the needs of Nigerians in Diaspora, understanding the types of housing concepts in demand in the UK, US and others.
“We have a platform where you register. You tell us the type of house you want. We would design it from the conceptualization of the building to meet your need, and we would build it for you. You would be able to monitor the building from day one to the end of the project because when we initiate the project, we also plan it for you, execute.
“These are the processes we have put in place. It gives Nigerians in Diaspora a lot of confidence. You know that some of them have confidants like uncles, aunties, brothers, and sisters to whom they sent money in the past, however, do not deliver such homes.
“We have also made it comfortable and convenient for them because they are not paying 100 per cent of the project cost. So, from the time they pay as low as 10 per cent or 20 per cent of the cost, we start building for them.”
For Nigerians in Diaspora who are willing to come back to Nigeria, he said the firm also offers rent-to-own apartments.
“We can also build for our client using our funds, then you rent and pay. When you rent this apartment, you are paying for your house. So we know it will take you five years or 10 years as the case may be, to finish paying for the building. These are some of the packages that we have provided, especially for Nigerians and Nigerians in the Diaspora.”
He said the firm clients cut across every sector, especially the corporate world, the NGOs, and the cooperatives.
“Either you are in the high-end, the mid-market, and the low-end class of the market the company has a unique offer for you,” he said.
On ensuring the apartment gets the best finishing in line with globally accepted practices, he said that “discerning individuals who worry so much about finishes and details in their homes of choice sure need to touch base with and talk to Tent Group.”
He further stated that the finishing on its clients' homes is always excellent, adding that they do not compromise on quality.
He said the estimate of the housing deficit in Nigeria is well above 17 million, and the firm is challenged to fill this gap, a reason for entering into the real estate industry.
Chukwuemeka decried that real estate firms most time wait for five to 10 years to get a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) from the government which according to him is hampering the growth in the sector.
He said, “You know that if your documents are not certified, they are not bankable anywhere in the world, even locally.
“We keep battling with Right of Occupancy and Letter of Intent with the governments. So, if the government wants us to help in building a lot of homes as quickly as possible, the Land Use Act needs to be urgently reviewed by making sure that the C of O is quickly obtained by firms with relative ease. That will help in bringing in a lot of funds and speed up activities in the real estate sector.”
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Pleasures Magazine.