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During the past year, Libya has come a long way towards peace and unity:
An interim executive authority has been selected and approved by the Libyan House of Representatives. Military representatives from both sides have agreed to a ceasefire. And the oil shutdown has been lifted, providing an economic lifeline for the Libyan people.
We owe this progress to the Libyans, who want to take their country’s future into their own hands.
And we owe it to the United Nations, which has shown outstanding support for Libya.
And we owe it to Libya’s international supporters, who have been working together, including through the Berlin Process.
At the Second Berlin Conference, held on 23rd June, we were able to advance our joint agenda.
First and foremost, by inviting the representatives of Libya to the conference table. The interim executive authority with Prime Minister Dbeiba played a key role in all the preparations and negotiations – a crucial step towards full Libyan ownership.
Second, all participants are recommitted to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Libya.
There was broad agreement that – in line with the Libyan Ceasefire Agreement and Security Council Resolutions – all foreign fighters, forces and mercenaries have to leave the country. We now need to find a way to make this happen – without any delay.
Third, all conference participants reaffirmed the need to hold free, fair and inclusive elections set for 24th December. Because Libyans must finally be able to make their voices heard.
Distinguished members of the Security Council,
We now have a chance to build on this work. That is why I am asking you today to support the implementation of the conclusions of the Second Berlin Conference.
Moving forward, we are also counting on the continued leadership of Special Envoy Ján Kubiš and his team to push for elections on the agreed date in December.
We regret that the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum has so far failed to agree on a legal basis for national elections.
We must take a strong stance against those who favour postponing the elections for selfish political motives. Here, the Security Council must reaffirm that it will not tolerate any obstruction.
Ladies and gentlemen,
With the support of the United Nations and this Council, Libya has made great progress towards peace and unity.
Now, we must stay the course to make that progress irreversible.
This is what we agreed upon in Berlin three weeks ago. And I am counting on you to help us honour that commitment.
Thank you.
Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Germany – Federal Foreign Office.