
African Agriculture Inc: Food Security and Reforestation on the Sahara Desert

African Agriculture Inc.-Offering Groundbreaking Sustainable Solutions between Africa and the world. African Agriculture Inc. a US based African focused company is on a journey to deliver protein to the world through the enhancement of cattle feed via high nutrition content and fiber alfalfa production, the responsible environmental and employment management of Africa’s abundant coastline, and the deployment of cash flow ultimately into a global program of carbon offsets with an emphasis on reforestation of the Sahara Desert. African Agriculture’s team represents over 400 years of experience on the African continent, in all spheres of agronomy, financing, management, auditing and systems management, farming management, farming operations, agriculture, aquaculture, commercial operations, export and diplomacy. The company’s founder principal investor, Frank Timis, brings years of creating and running successful businesses on the African continent and is laser focused on food security and saving the environment for generations to come. Overall, given the current challenges facing the global food supply chain and the inherent benefits of production in Africa, the company believes it is poised to become a major player in the production and global export of agricultural products, as Africa rapidly emerges on the global agricultural scene—positioning itself to potentially become the new breadbasket of the world.
Wed, 26 Jan 2022 12:30:48 GMT

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