
What Happened To Wonder Bread?

Wonder Bread’s annual sales sits around half a billion dollars for its owner Flowers Foods, despite healthier alternatives like whole grains and sourdough dominating the fragmented U.S. bread industry. While consumer preferences started shifting away from white bread starting in the 1960s, Wonder Bread still enjoys a 94% brand awareness according to Flowers Foods. Watch the video above to learn more about how the once beloved American staple has stuck around a century later. Chapters: 00:00 — Introduction 01:45 — White bread in America 04:40 — Saving the brand 06:10 — Stable contributor Produced, Shot and Edited by: Ryan Baker Animation: Christina Locopo Senior Managing Producer: Tala Hadavi Additional Sources: Wonder Bread, Flowers Foods, Reuters,
Mon, 20 Nov 2023 17:00:46 GMT

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